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Refresh NFT Metadata

This method refreshes metadata of one NFT and metadata of related transactions with the same token_address and token_id.

chainstringChains which holds the NFT you would like to updated metadata for.
token_addressstringToken address.
token_idstringToken ID.
komodo_proxybooleanOptional. Indicates whether authentication is required for accessing the proxy URLs (true if authentication is necessary, otherwise false).
urlstringURL link to the Moralis API proxy base url (https://moralis-proxy.komodo.earth) or equivalent (if komodo_proxy is set to true, will need to provide a new Komodo Proxy URL).
url_antispamstringURL link to the Antispam API proxy base url or equivalent. docs.

If there are no errors, this request will return an empty response.

Refresh NFT Metadata

curl --url "" --data '{
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "refresh_nft_metadata",
  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "params": {
    "token_address": "0x48c75fbf0452fa8ff2928ddf46b0fe7629cca2ff",
    "token_id": "5",
    "chain": "POLYGON",
    "url": "https://moralis-proxy.komodo.earth",
    "url_antispam": "https://nft.antispam.dragonhound.info"

    "mmrpc": "2.0",
    "error": "Token: token_address 0x48c75fbf0452fa8ff2928ddf46b0fe7629cca2ff, token_id 5 was not found in wallet",
    "error_path": "nft",
    "error_trace": "nft:504]",
    "error_type": "GetNftInfoError",
    "error_data": {
        "error_type": "TokenNotFoundInWallet",
        "error_data": {
            "token_address": "0x48c75fbf0452fa8ff2928ddf46b0fe7629cca2ff",
            "token_id": "5"
    "id": null