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The 1inch_v6_0_classic_swap_liquidity_sources method returns liquidity sources for classic swaps from 1inch API version 6.0.

To use methods which interface with the 1inch API, you need to set the 1inch_api url in your MM2.json file. You'll also need to set your 1inch API key as an environment variable called ONE_INCH_API_TEST_AUTH, e.g. ONE_INCH_API_TEST_AUTH="Bearer YourAPIkey".

As this feature is still experimental, you will need to build KDF from source on the dev branch with a build flag, e.g. cargo build --features test-ext-api.

Refer to the 1inch Classic Swap documentation for more information.

chain_idnumericChain id

dst_amountrational numberDestination token amount, in coins units.
protocolslistOptional. A list of standard 1inchProtocolImage objects.

  "mmrpc": "2.0",
  "userpass": "RPC_UserP@SSW0RD",
  "method": "1inch_v6_0_classic_swap_liquidity_sources",
  "params": {
    "chain_id": 1