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Swap Structures

There are a variety if swap events which may occur during a trade. See Maker Events and Taker Events for more info.

typestringSee Maker Events and Taker Events for more info.
datavariesThe data field may contain contextual information (e.g. txids) releated to a swap event. In some cases, it will be null.

For each step of a trade, a SwapEvent will be created, alongside the timestamp of the event. See Maker Events and Taker Events for more info.

timestampintegerTimestamp for the SwapEvent in UNIX format.
eventobjectA standard SwapEvent object.

Each swap status will be nested under its associated UUID.

typestringMaker or Taker. Indicates if the user created the order (maker), or matched with an existing order (taker).
uuidstringA unique identifier for the swap.
eventslistA list of swap events. The structure of each event varies depending on its type, as detailed in the SwapEvents section.
maker_coinstringThe coin being sent by the maker and received by the taker.
taker_coinstringThe coin being sent by the taker and received by the maker.
maker_amountnumeric stringThe amount of maker_coin being traded.
taker_amountnumeric stringThe amount of taker_coin being traded.
guistringAn identifier for the GUI used to initiate the swap, as defined in your MM2.json file. May be null if not defined.
mm_versionstringThe release version and/or commit hash of the Komodo DeFi SDK used to initiate the swap.
success_eventslistA list of possible swap event types for a successful swap, for makers and takers.
error_eventslistA list of possible swap event types which may appear in a failed swap, for makers and takers.